5 Common Kitchen Renovation Mistakes to Avoid – Infographic

September 1, 2022


Planning your kitchen renovation can be a challenging task. If you ignore details, you can still have significant problems as exciting as it is. Not only do homeowners become overwhelmed by the investment they spend, but also with the decisions they must make. So, to avoid the hassle of renovating your kitchen, here are the five common mistakes that most homeowners make. We think you should also watch out for these top five to help you save time, money, and everyone’s effort.

5 Common Kitchen Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Failing to Plan –

    when homeowners tend to do kitchen renovations without thoroughly going through making a plan, errors in kitchen remodeling parade themselves. So, keeping your family’s lifestyle in mind when planning a new kitchen is vital. This way, you can create and maximize the space to function according to your family’s needs.


For example, if you have two children, your kitchen may be a social area where you’ll spend much time together. You may need additional seating or counter space for kids to work on their homework. Aside from its function, materials, cost, and labor have to be considered because kitchen renovation can take much time and money on your part.

  1. Forgetting about the Work Triangle

    – The three eventful parts in the kitchen often form the work triangle. In designing your kitchen layout, homeowners who do forget this concept, later on, have a hard time managing things in the kitchen. Preparing food becomes a nuisance instead of a fun thing to do.


Having a sink and stove that is too far away from the fridge be annoying. These three have to be in close, if not convenient, locations. With enough space to move, your workflow in food preparation will be more manageable daily.


  1. Choosing Appliances after Installing Cabinets

    – When renovating your kitchen, you should think about the order of how appliances open and close. You don’t want to open the fridge and then open a cupboard door near it because it will be frustrating.

Never choose appliances after cabinet remodeling. It should be the other way around. Knowing your appliances’ size and specifications is key to better cabinetry. This will ensure it’s a good fit because measurements are crucial.

  1. Choosing a kitchen design based on current trends

    – though enticing can lead to costly mistakes. Colors and trends change yearly. Remember that when selecting your new kitchen design, you can’t simply base your entire kitchen design on a magazine-style plan, which will be outdated in five to 10 years. Choosing a timeless design that’s easy to update can be wiser.

  2. Choosing to DIY the renovation

    – You may be confident about doing it yourself, but since this is likely a significant investment, you better entrust it to professional hands. Skilled kitchen renovators and designers can see problems before the project starts. With those skills, you can receive advice and tips that might help you do your kitchen revamp. Their years of experience become your aid in doing a fine tune of your dream kitchen.

Kitchen renovations are always a nice thing to gift our loved ones with, but they come at a price. So, always prioritize planning and asking for assistance from professionals. If you’re interested in upgrading the look and functionality of your kitchen to the next level, contact us today at (714) 961-1900 or visit our website at www.mrcabinetcare.com/





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