Why You Should Rethink Your DIY Kitchen Remodel

December 14, 2018

Why You Should Rethink Your DIY Kitchen Remodel

Considering that it is the most utilized room inside a home or a property, the kitchen is really a labor-intensive area to clean, maintain and most especially remodel. Many people are unaware of this but, kitchen remodeling can be a really challenging project, as there are several technical requirements and aesthetic factors that you should consider first in order to achieve your desired results.

If you’re planning to do a full-scale remodel to your kitchen, plumbing, electrical, sink, counters and cabinets are just a few of the things that will require your full attention throughout the project. Even if you may just want to upgrade your kitchen cabinets or change the layout of the space, but regardless, remodeling the kitchen still warrants some level of sophistication and expertise. There are so many factors involved that before you know it, things can start to go very wrong.


  • You Can Go Overbudget

There are many reported cases where DIY projects ended up with the homeowner paying more to fix the mistakes that they made along the way.

At the same time, buying all the needed tools and equipment for the remodeling project can be costly and not a wise expenditure at all if you will only use them once. Investing in construction tools can be quite heavy in the pockets, plus think about how many times would you use them. Doing all by yourself will also entail tedious details such as finding the perfect fixtures, style and the right accessories that fit your financial capacity, which can be very time to consume as well.

Working with the experts, on the other hand, come with the assurance that everything will be done correctly and properly, without you having to spend some extra money.


  • You Might Not Finish the Project on Time

As cliché as it may sound, time is indeed the only commodity that you can never get back. This is why you don’t want to waste it in a DIY kitchen remodel project especially if you know yourself you lack the knowledge and expertise to do the job.

From planning, buying the tools and materials to the remodeling proper, the project entails several stages which you would want to execute on time, or you’ll sacrifice the functionality and comfort of your home for a long time.

In contrast, a licensed contractor can definitely finish the project in a more reasonable timeframe, given that you communicated your goals, preferences, and budget with them


  • Your Design and Technical Options Will Be Limited

If you’re performing a DIY kitchen remodeling you’re likely going to sacrifice certain aspects of the project because they’re overly complicated for you to plan and execute. In contrast, coordinating with an objective kitchen remodeling expert – through their expertise, knowledge on latest trends, and vast network in the industry – will allow you to obtain a plan which integrates all the technical and design preferences you want to achieve in a detailed manner.

You Should Rethink Your DIY Kitchen Remodel


  • You Might Breach Local Building Codes

A remodeling project, especially if it will deal with the electrical, plumbing, and floor area of the house, should consult with the local laws and secure necessary permits before construction even began.

Some laws cover projects that include breaking down walls, extending your kitchen or adding a small pantry to your existing home, and it is important that you let your local government know. Most often than not, this will require a building plan that will need to be passed by your local counsel.

Again, hiring a professional bathroom contractor will ensure that every step of the remodeling or renovation abides state or local laws.


  • It Might Lessen the Value of Your Home

Lastly, if you are planning to put your home up for sale in the future, then you should think twice before you remodel your kitchen space by yourself. With red-hot real estate market nowadays, houses are literally selling the day they go on the market, and more often than not, buyers are picky about what they’re looking if they are going to pay a premium price.

If you don’t have experience in construction, let alone not sure of what you want to achieve in your kitchen space, chances are a few things may end looking poorly done and unprofessional. This would turn off any potential buyers, and they would certainly haggle especially if there are parts that need to be repaired due to the poorly done DIY project.

As you can see, there are many ways where a DIY kitchen remodeling project can go wrong. Let the professionals of Mr. Cabinet Care take the stress and uncertainty out of your dream project. We employ a highly skilled team of designers and craftsmen who will walk you through the entire remodeling process from planning to completion. Contact us today for a free, in-home, no obligation quote.

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