Tips for Making Your Kitchen Eco-Friendly – Infographic

December 12, 2019

A kitchen remodeling project isn’t just all about upgrading the look and functionality of your kitchen. Sometimes, doing something beneficial for the environment can also be achieved by only letting your kitchen renovated. And if you’re thinking whether making this decision could compromise the beauty of your newly-revamped kitchen, worry not! Going greener in kitchen design is now becoming more popular nowadays, so you might want to consider this option before finding a kitchen remodeling company.

Here are the tips for making your kitchen eco-friendly:

Tips for Making Your Kitchen Eco-Friendly

Go for More Eco-friendly Materials

This might sound like a no-brainer, but the first thing that you have to consider for an eco-friendly kitchen is to purchase materials that are sustainable and made from recyclable materials. The best way to apply this tip is through your kitchen decorations. You can go to nearby antique stores or flea markets to see if you can find some excellent ornamental decorations to enhance your kitchen.

However, you have to make sure that all eco-friendly materials that you’re going to purchase still possess a level of durability, as it minimizes future waste and unnecessary expenses from replacement.

Install Lighting with Energy-Efficiency Features

When choosing the lighting for your kitchen, always ask for those that are equipped with energy efficiency features. This type of lighting consumes less electricity, which not only eco-friendly but can also cut a significant amount of your monthly bills in electricity!

Additionally, you can allow more natural light to spread to your kitchen in the morning by opening your windows and painting the whole area with white. White countertops can also reflect light to some extent.

Minimize the Use of Plastic

Plastic is a non-biodegradable waste, which not exactly the type of material you wanted to see in an eco-friendly kitchen. Another downside of plastic materials is that they contain BPA or bisphenol A that is known to be harmful to humans by altering the body’s hormones resulting in unstable testosterone levels men.

If you have an overwhelming number of plastic containers lingering in your kitchen storage, you can replace them with metal, glass, or silicon containers instead.

Avoid Wasting Too Much Water

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), household leaks in the US can lead to a whopping 900 billion gallons of unused water each year. Minimized water consumption is also a goal for an eco-friendly kitchen, so you better practice conserving water by knowing how much you’re using in the first place. It’s not technically reducing your water usage, but by practicing habits like using the dishwasher only when it’s full, ensuring that your faucet is appropriately closed to prevent leakage.

Use Natural Cleaning Agents

When cleaning certain parts of your kitchen, you can opt for an eco-friendlier choice by using plant-based soaps, white vinegar, and baking soda. Unlike most cleaning products that might contain harmful chemicals, these natural cleaning agents can still get the job done without any adverse side effects in the air quality of your kitchen.


Looking for ways of remodeling your old kitchen? Contact us today at (714) 961-1900 or visit our website

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