5 Ways to Keep your Kitchen Sink Clean – Infographic

Due to a bunch of random stuff like leftover scraps of food lying on its drains, kitchen sinks tend to be one of the dirtiest and smelliest parts of your kitchen. Many experts also consider them in microbiology as even dirtier than your typical toilet bowl.

In fact, according an article by webmd.com, those scraps of food can become a perfect breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. What’s worse about these microbes is that they cannot be easily removed through normal means of cleaning.

So, if you’re starting to notice some putrid odor within your kitchen, you may want to check out the sink first. Here are 5 of the best ways to keep the cleanliness of your kitchen sink.

5 Ways to Keep your Kitchen Sink Clean - Infographic

1. Scrub it regularly

Always remember to scrub the sink right after cleaning the dishes. Most people may forget to do this, yet this is one of the most basic ways to keep it clean. Just a simple scrub with the right amount of water and antimicrobial detergent are quite enough to make a difference. One good tip is that you can use your old toothbrushes for a more thorough scrubbing.

2. Never let food scraps linger for too long

This doesn’t mean food scraps are the lone culprit of kitchen sink dirtiness. Oils and pieces of rusty things can add to the clump as well. These kinds organic matter can clog up the drains and can make your dish washing a lot harder and ruin the kitchen pipes in the process.

3. Use lemon juice to remove stains

To make your sink to look at lot cleaner, try using a sponge soaked in a mixture of a half cup of borax and lemon juice. What makes lemon juice an excellent cleaning agent is their acidic content, which can dissolve almost any kind of food-based stains on different kinds of surfaces, including sinks. Another additional benefit from using lemon juice is that it also helps in neutralizing odors.

4. Apply disinfectant

To further eradicate the spread of bacteria, disinfectants can be applied to the sink every other day. In case that you don’t have any disinfectants, improvising is the key. You can use baking soda, vinegar, and bleach instead to get the job done.

5. Give the sink enough time to dry

Another common mistake most people neglect is to constantly use the sink without giving it any time to dry. Bacteria tend to thrive more in moist environments. In other words, keeping your kitchen sink dry for extensive periods of time can give them less chance to live and breed.

Kitchen sinks, while hardly noticeable can bring a lot of lasting impression not only to your guests but also to the of health anyone living in the household at the same time. Always keep a tab of these 5 useful ways to keep that kitchen sink of yours fresh smelling and bacteria free.

If you are interested in changing the design and looks of your kitchen or bathroom sink learning more options for its installation, contact us today at (714) 961-1900 or visit our website www.mrcabinetcare.com/

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