Designing a Kosher Kitchen

Designing a Kosher Kitchen

Designing a Kosher Kitchen

A traditional Jewish kitchen is one that consists of only kosher food. Adhering to the rules indicated in the Torah, designing a kosher kitchen can be a challenging task even for a seasoned remodeler. All of the appliances, utensils and specific portions of the kitchen must be placed and designed the right way, achieving a kitchen design that heavily reflects the Jewish culture.

Things to Consider for a Kosher Kitchen

The most important considerations are the following:

  • What kind of foods will be prepared?
  • Where will the foods be prepared?
  • What foods will be prepared per area?

Displaying the Ketubah

The most common area to consider while designing a kosher kitchen is what we called the ‘kosher table.’ The ketubah, the Jewish form of a marriage contract, is the centerpiece of any kosher meal. When designing a home kosher diet, the ketubah must be displayed prominently or kept in a place accessible to the congregation.

Separate Sinks

In some traditional Jewish homes, separate sinks are installed so that the Jewish child can make the blessings before eating and washing his hands after eating. It is also believed that in the olden days, a boy could not go up to his mother’s kitchen to eat unless he had already washed his hands. This was done in order to prevent germs from contaminating the mother’s kitchen with the mess that a boy would make as he came out of the bath. If space is limited, one can incorporate cutlery, crockery, and utensils into separate areas, which can then be placed in separate basins. For those that have two sinks in their kitchen, the design can be simple yet stylish

Meat and Dairy Products

The placement of the meat and dairy products should be at the same level as the Jewish holy table. These are the two most important items that should be at the ready in a kosher kitchen, as they are considered sacred to the Jewish religion. However, it is vital to keep the pareve, or the unleavened bread, away from the sacred objects of the karmic temple.

Organizing the Utensils

To maximize the use of the storage space available in a kosher kitchen, it is advisable to keep the utensils at a proper distance from each other, especially if the two utensils are of different sizes. One should not place the chafed meat on the top of the pot or the cutting boards since it will rot. The pareve and the unleavened bread must be kept at least one foot away from the drain so that the smoke and spills from the cooking will not reach them. This will also save a lot of water and time.

The Best Kitchen Remodeling Company in California

Are you in need of a kitchen remodeling contractor? Then you should check out Mr. Cabinet Care! Our company is California’s one and only 14-time winner of the Best Kitchen Remodeling Company award. If you’re interested in upgrading the look and functionality of your kitchen to the next level, contact us today at (714) 961-1900 or visit our website


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